➢Time: 7/03/2020
➢Form: Skype
➢Examiner: Mr. Leo Edwards – Regional Director, East and Southeast Asia
➢Audience: all students who have received Kaplan invitations to transfer programs
➤Note: The foundation in engineering and physical sciences -University of Nottingham International College is not included.
Kaplan is an educational institution in partnership with 14 UK renowned universities such as:Aston, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, City, Cranfield, Essex, Glasgow, Liverpool, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent, UWE, Westminster, York.
Students enrolled at Kaplan will be trained accordance with the academic standards designed by the universities to ensure that after the end of the course, students are enrolled in the next programs at these university or can enter the UK’s renowned universities.
Kaplan is part of the university and managed by the university. The students are learning most at the university campus. These are the famous Universities of England as well as the world.
Every year, Kaplan received international students from over the world. They are guaranteed a high quality standard from the first day of admission. All school have perfect international care and support services.
Coming to Kaplan, students have training courses such as English ,pre-university, master’s degree with international standards.
➡Sign up now: https://bit.ly/phongvan_hocbong
➡Get more information about Kaplan group at: https://alice-academy.org/thong-tin-tong-quan-ve-tap-doan-…/
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035 600 6258
#AliceAcademy #KaplanUK #duhocAnh